What Do You Need To Note When Use the Shrink Packing Machine?


 Shrink packing machine is a hot selling packaging machinery in the market. Provide beautiful outer packaging appearance for various products. There are several things you need to note when use shrinking packaging machine. 

1. The operator must read the instructions carefully before using the equipment, and only after confirming that the equipment operation rules have been mastered.
2. Before using the machine, check whether the fan is running and whether the conveyor belt runs smoothly.
3. When working, the operator's palm and other parts are not allowed to contact the running part of the machine to prevent burns.
4. After the product is plasticized, it should be stacked on the tray in time. It is strictly forbidden to stack the product in the shrinking room for a long time to prevent high temperature from generating fire.
5. After the work is finished, the electric switch should be turned off first, and the conveyor belt and the fan should continue to run for 5 minutes. After the temperature drops, the power can be turned off.
6. After the power is turned off, clean the machine and clean the debris before leaving.
7. When there is a problem with the machine, the operator should turn off the power in time and notify the management personnel for maintenance.
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